Diversified chiropractic manipulation

Diversified Chiropractic Manipulation is the most widely used and commonly recognized chiropractic treatment. This technique entails the application of controlled, quick force to specific joints and targeted areas of the body in order to increase the patient’s range of motion and stimulate the nervous system.

Flexion Distraction

Is a gentle, non-surgical, doctor-controlled treatment for spinal/back and/or radicular(leg) pain. This technique which uses a specialized flexion/distraction chiropractic adjusting table enables the Doctor of Chiropractic to effectively administer flexion-distraction and spinal decompression adjustment and manipulation.

Active Release

ART® is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement-based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with ART. These conditions all have one important thing in common: they are often a result of overused muscles.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release is a safe and highly effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.


Is a form of physical medicine that can be defined as a treatment method that focuses on the science of movement and helps people to restore, maintain and maximize their physical strength, function, motion and overall well-being by addressing the underlying physical issues.